If you are unsure where your drains go to or the actual course they take drainjet24 can help. This happens regularly and presents lots of problems especially when a blockage occurs or some new building work is planned. Drain Jet 24 can help by tracing where your sewers and drains are and where they go. Using our CCTV camera and other specialist equipment we can tell you all about the pipes, their condition, the connections and where they all go. So if you have a connection to make to an existing drain you will know exactly where to dig.
Using metal detectors and sonar scanning we can also find water mains, power and other utility lines so you know where to dig to find these or avoid them. We can find and uncover buried manholes for you.Many buildings do not have readily available plans – or those present may be out of date. Many additions happen over time and not all are added to an updated plan. Using a combination of visual tracking, die tracing and camera techniques, we can produce a plan of internal and external drain runs and connections. We can show surface and foul water runs, direction of flow, position of manholes/inspection chambers, connections, stack positions etc. This can give you a floor by floor plan of the layout of facilities or plans of external runs to update your records.
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